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Why There’s So Much Shame in Being Trapped in an Abusive Relationship

Why There’s So Much Shame in Being Trapped in an Abusive RelationshipI’m lying awake thinking about how much shame I felt when I was still stuck in my marriage, aware that it was killing me. I felt ashamed for being so stupid that I didn’t pick up on his agenda

It’s 2 years later

Lots of bits & pieces Little roads ridden Big skies flown Tying & Knitting & Discovering me & mine Which is solely this body, mind  & soul  With all her experience  Loves & hates Traumas & Joys Before lately, traumas triumphed  To the ultimate  Of presiding death And then, something

Poem by Tamara Gengan

Poem by Tamara Gengan When you ask how I am and I respond boldly, Great! And you?How do I tell you the million things I’d like to say too? How heavy my heart feels, masked with beaming smiles, how I’ve organized my failures into many files. How I feel like I am

Healing from Chronic Abuse

HEALING FROM CHRONIC ABUSE – recommended healing methodologies having experienced a lifetime of abuse and emotional manipulation There are a wide variety of incredibly helpful methodologies and practices to assist survivors of abuse to heal from anxiety, C-PTSD, and trauma. Those who are in recovery often find it challenging to